Operating Systems & Parallel Algorithms

Meeting Times
  • Section 01: MWF 8–9:50am in Noyce 3819
  • Section 02: MWF 2–3:50pm in Noyce 3819
Office Hours
Make an appointment, or drop in when I am unbooked. Please try to make just one appointment per week so all students are able to attend office hours.
  • Monday: 10:30am–noon
  • Tuesday: 2:30pm–4:30pm
  • Wednesday: 4:00pm–5:00pm
  • Friday: 10:30am–noon
  • Hanfeng (Paul) Lu
  • Linh Tang
Mentor Office Hours
  • Sunday: 1:00pm–4:00pm
  • Tuesday: 8:00pm–9:00pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00pm–9:00pm

About this course

Welcome to the fall 2021 session of CSC 213: Operating Systems and Parallel Algorithms. In this course, we will learn what is happening a level of abstraction below your programs when you run them on a modern computer. We will learn how the OS and runtime libraries providing useful services to programs, how the OS manages scarce resources like CPU time and memory, how access to storage and network devices is controlled, and the role that hardware plays in each of these concerns.