In addition to your collaborative work on labs for this course, you will also need to complete individual assignments. The majority of the individual assignments are programming tasks that should help prepare you for upcoming labs. In the last two weeks of the course, we will read and discuss classic research papers in operating systems; you will need to submit reading journals for those papers.
The following policies apply to all of the individual assignments in this class. If you have any questions about a policy you are welcome to ask about them individually or in class.
These individual assignments are meant to be an assessment of your programming skills and understanding of the basic course material.
Mentors may be able to help you if you are confused about the assignment requirements or have trouble understanding the man
documentation for a function you’d like to use, but they cannot assist you in any way that requires them to look at your code or discuss your solution to the assignment.
You are welcome to me for more assistance, although there may be some questions I cannot answer.
I expect everything you submit to be your own work, but you may discuss general concepts and approaches for assignments with other students in the class. You should limit these discussions to conceptual details and general programming challenges. You are welcome to talk about errors, useful functions, and C language quirks with other students, but you may not share your assignment code or rely on another student’s code for an assignment.
Your grade for programming assignments will be based on two factors:
Reading journals and written assignments will include their own grading details.